Faculty180 Reviews – File Naming Conventions

As a candidate uploading documents to a Faculty180 Reviews case, it is helpful to reviewers to be clear and consistent in naming conventions.   Likewise, for unit personnel committee chairs and unit administrators who will be uploading documents, using a clear and consistent naming convention is helpful to future reviewers of the case.

Some documentation within a case is captured through an electronic form or embedded report.  In these cases, the document will be named automatically as defined by the system. Below is guidance on document naming for various document types that you may upload to a PAD, annual evaluation or other case type.

Note: If you upload a document and later want to change the document name click the “edit” button to the right of the document to edit the name.

Document Type
(This list includes document types that may be uploaded by candidates, reviewers or unit administrators)
General - Grouped Documents
Candidates that wish to group documents
into one file, for example all previous annual evaluations,
can use this naming convention.
All Years_DocName_Firstname_Lastname
Annual Discussions on Criteria for Evaluating Faculty MemberYear_Criteria_Discussions_Firstname_Lastname
Assigned Teaching DutiesYear_Assigned_Duties_Firstname_LastName
Copies of Annual EvaluationsYear_Annual_Eval_Firstname_Lastname
Cumulative EvaluationCumulative_Eval_Committee_CandidateFirstname_CandidateLastname
Cumulative ReportCumulativeReport_Firstname_Lastname
External Review CommunicationsCommunications_ReviewerLastname_CandidateFirstname_CandidateLastname
External Review LettersExternal_Review_ReviewerLastname_CandidateFirstname_CandidateLastname
List of Documents Reviewed by External ReviewersDocuments_CandidateFirstname_CandidateLastname
Personnel Action Summary Form (PASF)Summary_Form_CandidateFirstname_CandidateLastname
Supporting MaterialsFile#_DocName_Firstname_Lastname
Unit Code CriteriaCriteria_Firstname_Lastname
Written Communication on Progress Toward TenureYear_PTT_Firstname_Lastname