Frequently Asked Questions

Which browser should I use?

We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is not compatible.  If you are a chair, or someone who is using Faculty180 often, it is recommended that you periodically clear your browser history to delete your cache and cookies.  This will help certain features in Faculty180 run more smoothly.


I don’t have a Faculty180 account. What should I do?

Permanent Faculty accounts are automatically created for new faculty. Use your ECU login and passcode to log into Faculty180. If you are a staff member that supports faculty within Faculty180, a support account can be be requested through the appropriate college coordinator.


How do I request a Faculty180 Staff/Support account?

Support accounts are granted to staff that support faculty in Faculty180. Request for Faculty180 staff/support accounts are initiated by the appropriate college coordinator. Please contact your college coordinator to submit a help ticket in TeamDynamix on your behalf to request the creation of a support account.


Where do I find training sessions and resources?

From the Faculty180 home page or resources page you will see a button to the far right that directs you to a list of the Faculty180 training sessions being offered.

All previously recorded training sessions, help guides and videos can be found on the Resources page.  Frequently visited resources include:


Are there any sections in Faculty180 that I cannot change?

Directory Information Under Profile

You cannot change certain directory information under the “Profile” section in Faculty180, which includes name, office address, email, and current position. Although your current title is pulled from Banner to Faculty180, you can edit your “Current Title for Public Display” in Faculty180.

Directory information can be updated in Pirate Port > My Information > Personal Information. Address and phone number must be noted as the “Employee – ECU Office Location.”

Sponsored Research Proposals and Awards

Sponsored project proposals and awards routed through ECU’s Office of Research Administration are pulled into Faculty180 from RAMSeS (prior to summer 2019) and eTRACS (since summer 2019) and cannot be manually changed in Faculty180 by the user.

Note: A sponsored project is a project and/or activity conducted by ECU faculty and/or staff and supported wholly or in part by external restricted funds awarded to the University under a formal written agreement (i.e., a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, or other funding instrument).

Submit a help ticket in TeamDynamix to report duplicate, missing or incorrect project information.

Teaching/Courses Taught

Records for courses taught are extracted from Banner and uploaded into Faculty180, then linked to the instructor(s) of record. Faculty will see all the courses for which they carry at least 1% of responsibility. Faculty can check “Course Not Taught” when appropriate. Course records are pulled 10 days after the census date for each semester and any changes after this date are not reflected in Faculty180. Course name, title, term, credit hours and enrollment cannot be updated manually in Faculty180.

Activities that are considered “teaching” that are not in courses taught should be reported in Faculty180 under “Other Teaching Activities.” Examples include academic program development, course creation, course redesign, new course design, dissertation/thesis/cumulative project, etc.


What data are uploaded to Faculty180?

Although much of the data in Faculty180 is input by faculty members, some data are uploaded on their behalf. For example, historical faculty data were exported from Sedona (ECU’s previous faculty activities system) and loaded into Faculty180. Lists of committees, conferences, and scholarly outlets were compiled by the Faculty180 college coordinators and steering committee in 2017.

These lists were then uploaded and are reviewed annually for consolidation and clean-up. (Note: If you need to report a change, or addition to, one of these lists, please complete a help ticket) Files with data on courses, faculty, and grants are uploaded on a regular basis. More detail about these file uploads is provided in the .pdf linked below.

Data file uploads (pdf)


Why can’t I find a committee or conference in Faculty180?

The original committee and conference lists for Faculty180 were compiled by college coordinators in 2017. They are reviewed once a year by personnel in the Academic Library. Submit a help desk ticket in TeamDynamix to report suggested changes or additions to committee and conference lists.


How do I generate an Annual Report in Faculty180?

Navigate to Activity Reporting > Vitas & Biosketches > Legacy Vitas.  When pulling your Annual Report, be sure to enter a past term and year that includes the term/year you want to see. Then, click the Refresh button to reload the report with the correct terms and years.

Example: For your 2022-2023 Annual Report, enter Summer 2022 as the beginning term/year and Spring 2023 for the ending term/year.

Note – Many annual reports will be automatically generated within each permanent faculty member’s “case” in Faculty180 Reviews.  Instructions on submitting an annual report can be found on the Faculty180 Annual Evaluation User Help PageStep 0.


How do I generate a CV in Faculty180?

To generate a CV in Faculty180, choose Vitas & Biosketches > Legacy Vitas from the dashboard menu and choose a CV template. The Legacy Vitas menu displays all available premade templates. Click on the eye graphic in the far-right column to view your activities in the selected template.


Why are entries outside of the selected reporting period showing up in my Annual Report/Vita?

Faculty180 vitas are built with the presupposition that a faculty member would continue working on a project until it reaches one of the two summative stages (Completed/Published or Work Discontinued), so the project will continue to display in the annual report until one of those two statuses is chosen.

In this step-by-step example (pdf), we walk through managing the status of Scholarly Contributions and Creative Activities. This same method can be applied to Sponsored Research Proposals and Awards, and Other Grants/Contracts and Awards.

In other activity categories, like Institutional Committees and Professional Service, a beginning and ending term is chosen.  If the ending term is “Ongoing,” then the record will continue to display in the annual report until the ending term is updated to the appropriate semester.


I need to get a list of the courses I’ve taught while at ECU and the enrollment
in those courses. Is this information in Faculty180?

Faculty180 is the source for lists of courses taught from 2007 to the present and can be extracted in summary by the faculty member using Vitas & Biosketches > Legacy Vitas, or by a chair or administrator using Administrative Reports. There are no institutional records of instructional assignments prior to 1995. For years 1995 to 2006, “courses taught” reports are available in ecuBIC.

Records for courses taught are extracted from Banner each term and uploaded into Faculty180, then linked to the instructor(s) of record. Faculty will see all the courses for which they carry at least 1% of responsibility. Faculty can check “Course Not Taught” when appropriate. Course records are pulled 10 days after the census date for each semester and any changes after this date are not reflected in Faculty180. Course name, title, term, credit hours and enrollment cannot be changed in Faculty180.

To check the accuracy of course data for an upcoming or current term (prior to the upload into Faculty 180), an ecuBIC report is available:  Class Sections with Designations Enrollment Capacity and Waitlist – Power BI Report Server (


Will my Blue course evaluations be uploaded for me?

Fall and Spring Evaluations

Yes, the Survey of Student Opinion of Instruction (SSOI) summary report for fall and spring semesters (without student comments) will be uploaded for you and can be viewed within the Teaching record in your Faculty180 Activities. In Faculty180 and Blue, reports shared with supervisors are administrative versions. These reports have the same content as the versions for faculty, with comments omitted.

Summer Evaluations

Based on guidance from Faculty Senate, summer SSOI reports are not shared with supervisors in Blue or uploaded into Faculty180. Individual instructors may include summer SSOI results in their Annual Report at their discretion.


  • No reports of student evaluations are available for years prior to 2003.
  • SOIS reports can be generated for years 2003-2006 by Institutional Assessment staff; please submit a data request ticket for these reports (
  • SOIS reports are available in ecuBIC for years 2007-2013.
  • SPOTS reports are available in ecuBIC for years 2013-2016.
  • SSOI reports are available in Blue or Canvas for years 2016-Current.


Can I upload any other evaluation reports or attachments for Courses Taught?

Yes, you can upload other evaluation reports or attachments to Courses Taught. If you choose to upload an SSOI report that contains student comments, then your supervisor will be able to see those comments.


How do I edit my content in Scholars@ECU?

All entries must be created or edited in Faculty180 in order to exist in Scholars@ECU. No editing is done in Scholars@ECU. The entries are imported to Scholars@ECU during a nightly refresh.

Note: Activities are not loaded into Scholars@ECU unless you have completed the Master Agreement allowing for an enhanced profile to be created (Faculty180 > Profile > Public Display Master Agreement) AND the individual activity record has a “yes” for the Publicly Displayed? question.


Am I able to attach files in my activity records?

Yes, one or more files or URLs can be attached to any entry you make. The size limit on files is 750MB. If the file is larger than 750MB, please attach a link rather than the file.


Which “Save” button should I use when adding/updating activities?

  • To save multiple entries of the same type, use Save and Add Another.
  • To save one entry and go back to the list of entries, use Save and Go Back.
  • To save your progress and continue working on a particular entry, use Save.


What is Faculty180 Reviews?

Faculty180 Reviews is a feature of Faculty180 used for submitting and routing documentation for certain personnel actions.  This feature is configured to ensure that these processes are transparent, equitable, efficient and well-documented.  A schedule of upcoming personnel actions that will route through Faculty180 Reviews is available HERE.


What are Super Users/College Coordinators?

Super User is a less formal term for our college coordinators. The college coordinators have a higher level of access within Faculty180 than faculty, hence the term. Contact your college coordinator to:

  • Ask questions about a functionality in which you are unfamiliar.
  • Request a Faculty180 account for users in your unit.
  • Request training for new faculty and those faculty in need of a refresher workshop.
  • Recommend changes to college-wide and department report templates.
  • Suggest revisions to activity input forms.

You can also submit a help ticket through TeamDynamix.