Faculty180 Reviews – Quick Tips and PAD Template

When it comes time to develop and submit a PAD for reappointment, tenure or promotion, a case will be opened for you in Faculty180 Reviews.  See the schedule of personnel actions for information on when you should expect to have your case opened.  Below is a glimpse at what the PAD will look like in a Faculty180 Reviews case.  Documents will be uploaded to the various pre-defined sections.  See the File Naming Guidance webpage for recommended naming conventions when uploading files within the case.

If you want start gathering documents for your PAD prior to your case being initiated, you can use Dossier.

Quick Tips:

  1. Sections are locked when submitted.
  2. Sections can be unlocked by the unit administrator prior to the deadline.
  3. Sections can be submitted individually.
  4. Preview the packet using the button at the top of screen to see a visualization of the PAD from the reviewers perspective.
  5. Files names can be updated on the screen with the “edit” button beside the file name.
  6. Files can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping with the cursor.
  7. Cover pages can be uploaded at the beginning of each major section to create subsections.
  8. You can attach many documents within a category, or combine them to create a single themed document.
    • Example: In the “Materials in Support of Teaching” section, you may wish to combine documents of a similar type and upload them with the naming convention shown below.
      • 1_TeachingPhilosophy_FirstName_LastName
      • 2_CoursesTaught_FirstName_LastName
      • 3_SyllabiAllCombined_FirstName_LastName
      • 4_ExamplesofTeachingAssignments_FirstName_LastName
      • 5_FacultyDevelopmentActivities_FirstName_LastName
      • 6_PeerEvaluations_FirstName_LastName
      • 7_SSOI_FirstName_LastName


PAD Sections Completed by the Candidate:

Selected Documents for External Reviewers is a section where candidates can upload and submit documents to their unit administrator that they wish to be shared with External Reviewers.  If collecting external review letters electronically, a feature within Faculty180, unit administrators can select files from this section to send with the request. Review letters can still be collected using other means outside of Faculty180.  However, this first section will need to be submitted to unlock the case for the unit administrator to begin uploading external review correspondence and letters.

Candidate Summary Information for PASF is an electronic form that the candidate can fill out to provide information to the unit administrator for the PASF.  Unit Administrators can export this information and copy/paste it into the official form. The final PASF will have to be completed and filled out by the unit administrator using the PDF version provided by the Office of Personnel and Finance Administration.

The Cumulative Report section is a place to upload the cumulative report as defined in the Faculty Manual Part X.

Records of Evaluation is the section in which the candidate will submit (1) copies of unit code criteria for tenure and for promotion, (2) copies of all written communications with candidate on progress toward tenure, (3) copies of all annual evaluations for the time appropriate to the decision, (4) records of assigned teaching duties and responsibilities, (5) records of annual discussions on the criteria for evaluating faculty performance, and (6) records of faculty success plans that may have been implemented during the period of review.  More information on these requirements can be found in Part X of the Faculty Manual.

Supporting Materials is a section where materials in support of teaching, research or creative activities, patient care, service and administrative duties can be attached. The tips listed above may be useful for this section.

Other Materials as defined in Part X of the Faculty Manual can be uploaded to this section.

Disagreements as to the inclusion or removal of documents, as defined in Part X of the Faculty Manual can be uploaded to this section.


Internal Sections Completed by the Unit Administrator and/or Unit Personnel Committee:

By default, Internal Sections of a case are only available to administrators, committees and other individuals involved in the review.  All forms completed and documents uploaded by reviewers will be organized in the Internal Sections.  In some instances, files can be shared with the candidate from those sections.  The case will define exactly what is required of the reviewer when it is in their queue – reviewers can view requirements on the Case Details tab.  Review the technical guidance for committees and reviewers provided on the Promotion & Tenure and Reappointment webpages to ensure you are uploading requirements into the correct sections.

Personnel Action Summary Form is the section where the Unit Administrator will upload the completed PASF.  The PASF is a PDF form provided by the Office of Personnel and Finance Administration. Unit Administrators can use information provided by the Candidate in the Candidate Summary Information for PASF section to fill out various questions on this form.

External Evaluations is the sections in which a Unit Administrator can electronically request or upload external review letters and communications with external reviewers.  Unit Administrators will also fill out an electronic form in workflow step 1 to confirm all review letters are uploaded.  A copy of that form will appear in this section.

Cumulative Evaluations is the section where the unit tenure/promotion committee and unit administrator will upload the cumulative evaluations.  The cumulative evaluations can be shared electronically with the candidate from this section.

Unit tenure/promotion committee chairs, unit administrators and Deans will record their recommendations with an electronic form.  A copy of the form will be automatically uploaded to the Recommendations section.  Memos created by the unit can be uploaded to this section.  This recommendation can be electronically shared with the candidate from this section, if needed.

Candidate Responses is the section where candidate responses to cumulative evaluations can be electronically retrieved or uploaded.  When a cumulative evaluation is shared electronically with a candidate by the committee or unit administrator, an option can be selected to allow for automatic, electronic retrieval of the candidate response.  Otherwise, the committee or unit administrator can collect the response outside of Faculty180 and upload a copy of it to this section.