Faculty180 – Fun Sized! Tip #8 – Reviews

Faculty180 Reviews is the workflow feature in Faculty180 that facilitates various institutional review processes.  The types of reviews that are scheduled in Faculty180 this academic year can be found on the Faculty180 Reviews Schedule webpage.  All of the reviews that are facilitated in Faculty180 have corresponding user help pages linked on the Faculty180 Resources page, and provide resources for everyone involved in the process – candidates, committees, unit administrators, etc.  On these pages faculty will find step-by-step user guides, help videos, previously recorded training sessions, and more.  The user help pages for some of the reviews facilitated in Faculty180 are linked below:

  1. Annual Evaluation Help
  2. Tenure & Promotion Help
  3. Reappointment Help

The video tutorial below provides an overview of Faculty180 Reviews and a glimpse into how a candidate and reviewers participate in various reviews.

Video for Reviews

If you are participating in an annual evaluation, reappointment, tenure or promotion review in Faculty180 as a candidate, unit administrator, committee member, or other reviewer – please check out the Faculty180 Resources page and the Upcoming Training sessions.


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